Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Return to FAC

Okay, so I just got back like 15 minutes ago from First Alliance Church. That is what FAC stands for. So, it was really awesome, once again! We did our normal worship thing at the beginning. We did songs from Camp Belwood and when they didn't have the right lyrics up, me and Riley were one of the only ones who actually knew the lyrics off by heart, so we were clearly heard loudly. Then we did a song where we had to swing our partners and me and Riley were together, Lucas and Farkle were somewhere else in the room together. It was really fun! Then in small group, we had sooo many girls in Grade 7 Girls, that we had to split into 2 groups. We had to go around and say our names and the best part of our week so far. "As both Riley and Sydney just said, my name is Maya and the best part of my week was when the school bell wrang at the end of Friday" and that got me some laughs outta people. So, then Me, Riley and Kayley in our group, were all the funny and popular ones, talking about shorty-shorts and the most annoying girl in 7th grade. I cannot say her name on this blog because I know someone from school (Riley Jake) is stalking my blog and may know who she is and everything, so I'm not gonna say it. But we all bonded over her annoying voice and how she drives me outta my mind! Riley and Kayley both had injuries and that was one of our prayer requests, Riley and Kayley's both. Mine was that the most annoying girl in 7th grade would catch up with the generation. Then at the end, me, Riley and Kayley all wrapped our arms around each other and went skipping down the Youth Group center thing all walking like idiots. Then we split up and told Mr. and Mrs. Matthews all about it, as well on the drive home, Farkle and Lucas told us all about their group. I didn't pay attention much to what they were saying, but it was something about being obsessed with Lucas's 24 horses and Farkle having to beat Smackle at his debate. Then we got home and I sat here. So, thanks for reading and be sure to keep up with The 99 Problems of Maya Hart and check back again soon!

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