Monday, October 27, 2014

Bullying Where It's Prevented

So, yesterday I went onto YouTube, logged into my account, looking to watch videos of some sort, I was probably going to watch mine, like Flaws and things like that. But then I heard that laws. Austin and Ally have a similar episode to Flaws and it seemed really threatning, so I was interested and I realized "I don't care about their episodes, I don't care if I watch them before they air" So, I decided to watch their episode that is similar to Flaws. It was called "Bullies and Beauties" so I watched that. It was pretty darn similar to Flaws, not exactly the same but the concept was pretty similar. The plot was similar and how they found out who the bully was, was pretty similar. The bully was a main person in the episode who normally didn't have so many speaking lines, but did in this episode. That was the same as our episode. Trish got the role of sleeping beauty in the school play and people were making fun of her online, making comments that she isn't pretty enough to play sleeping beauty and she smells like rotten onions and things like that. So, then after I finished watching, I went down to read the comments. Many of them were people telling their bullying stories. Other were people saying things like "Darn bullies, why do they have to pick on kids all the time?" and things like that. There was only one comment that really stood out to me. One person said "Finally, Trish gets it back. She's always bullying people she really deserved it" And I was shocked. That person defeated the moral of this whole episode! So, I saw other people replied to the comment, saying "That's not very nice, she's just a character" and things like that. So, I commented and did the same as everyone else did. The person who wrote the comment didn't reply to anyone else's replies on his mean comment, except for mine. "Trish is lame. She deserves it, she bullies people all the time" he replied to me but with more words, I just shortened it. I kept telling him things like "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" and "Your defeating the purpose of this episode, being like the bully in this episode" and "Trish doesn't bully anyone. She only picks on Dez and if he was really hurt by it, he wouldn't be so happy all the time" and things like that. Then the comment author kept firing back at me with the meanest comments ever, anyone could ever say. It was very hurtful and I almost cried reading them. Why would anyone say that about me? I was just standing up for what is right. This isn't right, it isn't fair. Why would someone say that about me? I didn't say or do anything wrong. W-Why would people tell that to me? Why would someone bully a younger girl (he said he was older than 12) on a Disney episode about bullying prevention? We are basically living the episode in the comments section. I'm basically Trish, and he's basically the bully. So, yeah that happened. I was crying last night about it and Lucas got me to spill it and tell him what's going on. Then we went to bed, the end. Well, okay that wasn't really the end, I guess. The boys have a competition against the girls about something you shall not know. What happens in the sleepover, stays in the sleepover. Sleepovers. They are pathetic, but in a good way. So, Lucas promised me he would stand up for me, but it's fine. I don't need people standing up for me, I've got this. I can handle it, I'm not even offended. Jokes on the bully because I don't even know what some of those words meant. I'm not offended, it doesn't hurt me at all. Not one bit. I don't care what some mean people say, they are just jealous of Trish, so they are taking it out on me. It's all good, I don't care, it doesn't hurt me at all! Not one little bit. So, check up on The 99 Problems of Maya Hart again soon.

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