Hey, it's Maya here gettin' all up in your news! I'm kidding, really. So, why I meant to say is I have some things that you may find interesting. You may not, I mean, I know some of you who will not find anything in my pathetic life interesting. You know who you are, don't play dumb with me, I don't fall for it. Ever. I know more than you think. Okay, anyway. Enough getting mad at people who likely are not even reading this. So, today we went back to the leisure center. Muffins Farkle returned. Yeah, he was being his mean muffin-self. Then me, Riley and Lucas all walked away on him. Then Lucas grabbed me and Riley and told us what Farkle said was a lie. Farkle said we were pathetic and not very good friends. I pointed out that Farkle was right about us being bad friends, oh I know it's true. Not giving myself credit here, but I am the best friend to people who actually want to be my friend, trust me. I would definently know. And I said that Lucas and Riley are not pathetic at all and Lucas got mad at me for not saying me too and going against myself, but it wasn't because it wasn't true. It was because it was annoying. Yeah, annoying, we all know how much I hate when people call me annoying. If you don't know how much I hate it when people call me annoying, I hate it when people call me annoying. Well, so I got mad and then Lucas tried to apologize to me just get me to help him and Riley make Farkle jealous that all of us are still friends and he is not apart of us anymore. I knew that is what he was up to and I said I ain't fallin' for it. He said that wasn't why he was apologizing at all, but I did not believe that either. Anyone, I mean
ANYONE in the world would've said that in that position. But adventually I gave in, I mean who would encourage to stay in a fight, especially if someone apologizes? Not me, that is for sure. So, then Sarah and reaction girl came and hung out with us for a while, helping us make Farkle jealous. Riley and Lucas were acting all date-ish to make Farkle jealous and boy was it ever working. On more than just Farkle too....Reaction girl! Yeah, she like totally has like a major crush on Lucas and she was like totally jealous!! Haha! Yeah....So, then Sarah was helping me out, being a better friend than Riley has been in 1 month and a half. Then Riley suddenly got this rage and said "Why can't I have a best friend!?" and I was like, whoa, okay that was very random! In my head, I thought that. "You can have me" Farkle said. "I want a girl!" Riley complained. Sarah called over reaction girl and she went with Riley. Then when we were leaving, Riley showed reaction girl one of the things that I knew were extremely secerative and important to her and I was strongly offended and upset ever since. I know I was mad at Lucas, but I had nobody else so I went and grabbed onto him. He thought it was random, but didn't really care. Then when we got home, I came on here and discovered some other new things. Other new things that I ain't proud of, that's for sure. Why you might ask. One word. One simple, simple word. Flaws. Yup, it is Flaws. Girl Meets Flaws, to be exact. The gallery. The bitter sweet gallery. It isn't that bad, I wouldn't say, but I am disappointed. So, check this out for yourselves.

Okay, maybe it is not that bad. I mean, I am kinda adorable looking. I mean, come on already, I am the mature one. I might as well continue that habbit and truth, while it still is a truth. So, I am adorable in that picture, honestly I find myself very adorable in it. Like my general looks, as in me in general. Well, that is new for me, check us out again soon on The 99 Problems of Maya Hart!
P.S - It look me over an hour to make this post, due to how slow this computer runs. Maybe I'll do those updates that the computer has been begging me to do all weekend and I keep putting it off, so maybe I won't next time it asks.
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