Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Freedom of Oatmeal!!

Okay, I am sooo happy right now. I am not at that stupid hospital anymore. Freedom!!! Although, I kinda feel sick, like throwing up and I think I know why. I didn't get to go home until 7:15am, and I was there at 6am and I did not miss my morning oatmeal. I feel like throwing up. What if I actually cough up a tabby cat? So, I just might throw up. But I am home so who cares about that!? So, this morning I just woke up regularly, like I did the night before. It felt awkward, especially because Jenkins was snoring. Jenkins is the 103-year-old man who doesn't know the era. As in he doesn't know what a cell phone is. He only knows what a payphone is, if even. He was snoring. When the nurse came in at 6am, she had a bowl of oatmeal. "Oh no, goodbye Maya" I said in my head, knowing I was history. Then after Sandra gave me that sick oatmeal, well I almost threw up. Then, I almost threw up again. Then, I was thinking about almost throwing up, but I decided not to. So, then I turned on the TV and the only thing on was children's shows. "Great" I said to myself. "What are you looking at Jenkins!? Eat your oatmeal!" I yelled, looking at Jenkins as he watched me. "Nurse Sandra, please report to the front desk!" the reciever called over and over. It was calling Sandra for 8 minutes. "Just get to the desk Sandra!!" I yelled in annoyance. Then Sandra came back and said, "Maya, come with me" and stood there waiting for me. I got out of my bed and into my wheelchair. I followed her. "I got patient 326" Sandra said at the front desk. "Okay, Maya Hart, you are ready for pick up, your mother is waiting in the lobby!" the guy at the desk said excitedly. That meant no more killing them inside with my room service bell. So, then I rode myself back to my room. I grabbed my bag and stuffed everything I own in it. "I'm goin' home!" I shouted. Jenkins, once again was staring at me oddly. "Oh, I'm never gonna see you again. It don't matter what I say to you unemployed and unpotty-trained old man, you don't even know what day it is! Peace out!" I said riding out of the room with my stuff. I really made Jenkins mad. I know because I heard the intercom call a complaint from room 309, where we were. Who else could it be? The old lady in her 90's on the other side of Jenkins, who he has a crush on? So, I got down into the lobby. "Okay, Maya, ready to go home?" my mom asked as if nothing happened. "You were supposed to pick me up 16 hours ago! I called like 900 times!" I shouted. "I'm sorry, I got busy" she said. "What else is new" I said. The doctor came down and showed my mom the test results. "You can walk regularly now, Mrs. Hart" he said. I got outta the wheelchair. "Freedom!" I yelled. We got in the car and headed home. When we got there, Ginger and Gammy Hart were there as usual, happy to see me again. Now I am getting ready for school, like a normal kid. I am a normal kid again! Hallelujah! So, be sure to check up on The 99 Problems of Maya Hart again soon!

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