Sunday, October 12, 2014

Family & Friends are EXACTLY the Same

So, I have decided to no longer be friends with Lucas, Farkle and Riley. They are all the worst friends and I don't wanna be part of a group like that. I have sooo much to offer as a friend and they don't and I would rather be friends with someone who will help me and appreciate what I have to offer, not ignore it. I want friends who will ask me what is wrong, not ignore me when I won't even talk unless someone asks me a question, which they don't! I want a best friend who will want to be my best friend as much as I do. And I know Riley will never feel that way. She will never need me as much as I need her. Episodes are all I have left of that. I know that is never gonna change with her. I am not even trying with that and I am not even kidding right now. I might as well find someone who will actually care about me and actually help me and be worried when I am upset, which I never would be if it weren't for her, Farkle and Lucas. I mean, look at me in the episodes. I have so much to be miserable about and I rarely am. I am never miserable about that even now. It's just them who make this show run. So, I've decided that it is best for me that I have my mom at home, Ginger and Gammy Hart to live with. I have people at school to be my friends. At lunch, I'll go off campus with one of them or someone. Once one of my friends asked me to come but I told her I'm meeting Riley. So, I could have a better popularity life than I do now, crying all day and night waiting for someone who doesn't care about me. Nothing has happened between me and them in the past 24 hours. The last time I saw them, I ditched on them and went home because I was sitting there by myself, trying not to cry while they were literally 1 foot away from me sometimes. I hadn't talked once in that hour. That is how much they care about me. So, okay now I am better off sitting in my house knowing that they are not there and they couldn't help me if they wanted to. So, I'm better off in this room, on this bed hearing Gammy Hart and my mom creating conversation in different rooms. Check back on The 99 Problems of Maya Hart again soon.