Monday, October 27, 2014

The Dented Dentists Lock

Hey, Maya here and I am about to tell you something that normal people do not write about on blogs. My dentist appointment. Yeah, it was really lame. We were there for almost 2 hours! It was regular, really. I got in first, then Riley did, then Auggie did. But it wasn't shortly after, because we were all in for the majority of the same time. Apparently I have biting problems. So, at first it was regular, they basically shoved and freaking mirror down my ding-dang throat! Then they did cleaning and all that boring stuff. Then my dentist lady said I was ready to see the doctor and make sure of no cavities. So, she left and she didn't come back for 45 minutes! I was waiting all alone, watching Phineas and Ferb, all by myself for 45 minutes waiting for the doctor. It turned out, the doctor was with Auggie, then Riley and that's why it took so long. He was busy with Riley and Auggie while I waited. It makes sense, but it took soooo long! They should'a had more than one doctor. Riley kept her record of going all her life without a single cavity. I on the other hand, didn't get one this time, but I got one when I was 5 years old and another when I was 9 years old, so my record was gone centuries ago. Auggie got a cavity when he was 2, when he was 3, when he was 4 and now he is 5 and he has to go back soon because he has 2 cavities this time. Poor Auggie, and I wondered why he got them and then he did what he always does. He pulled out some hard candy and started biting on it pretty hard, it made me shiver. So, yeah that is how my dentist appointment turned out. Check back on The 99 Problems of Maya Hart again soon! I'll be right here!

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