Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Night of a Lifetime!

Okay, so you guys will not believe what unexpectedly happened. I was just at home around 5-6pm tonight. I was bored outta my mind. I put Ginger on my pillow and kept turning the lights on and off to see if he'd pee the bed. He wouldn't. I was thankful, but it would've been amusing if he actually did. So, then my phone was dinging, meaning I got a text. I clicked it and it showed all my text history. The name bolds on my phone of the person who texted me. This is how it looked:

Sarah - Today, 4:22pm
Hey Maya! I just was wondering...

Lucas Friar - Yesterday, 5:43pm
Well, that's is true, Maya but....

Farkle Minkus - October 9th 2014, 2:11pm
I didn't! It wasn't me, I know who....

Riley Matthews - Today, 6:34pm
Me, Farkle and Lucas are quading and...

And I was like "What?" I said quietly, looking at it. I clicked the message and it said "Me, Farkle and Lucas are all quading and Sarah's trying to be the rebel and she's not doing a very good job of it. Can you come?" (I literally just read that off my phone). I was like, really? This couldn't be. I replied, "Haha, bragging to me about it?" and she said "No, we really want you to come, we miss when it was 4 of us and it was you instead of Sarah" and I was sooo shocked. Did they only miss me because Sarah was being a goody-goody and they couldn't go fast without me? I'm still not sure of that one. So, I went and we had lots of fun. Farkle was terrified, screaming and me and Riley were laughing. "It's okay, your in good hands" I told Farkle, he didn't believe me and I don't blame him. Who would trust Maya Hart driving a 100km/h with them on the back? I wouldn't if I were someone else, that's for sure. So, then Lucas fell off and we had to get him to come back on. Farkle kept on screaming on the turns, when I almost rammed us into a pole to scare him, he yelled "Maya!" and I was like "It's fine, I've been driving these since I was 3 years old, I know what to do" and he was soooo panicked, it was laughable. Then he said he wasn't scared and I sped up and he said "Okay! Okay! I'm scared!" that's all I wanted to hear. Is that I can scare Farkle so bad, he'd wet his pants. He didn't, but he did throw up...twice. So, that was really fun. Now we are back here and I finally get to listen to my songs normally again! Freedom! I got half a question done on my math homework. I consider it a victory. So, check back soon on The 99 Problems of Maya Hart!

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