Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Dear, Blog Viewers

I once again have a problem that I have been having for a while now. And before you ask, no it is not Riley's fault at all. It is once again the work of Riley Jake. That's right, Riley Jake has returned. I saw a new comment on my newest post and I was soooo excited because all I've wanted was a someone to actually talk to me and I thought this was my turn around. I am never disappointed but for the first time, I was. I thought I was going to have friends again. I thought everything was gonna be okay. But no, as my life goes, of course what really happens is I don't get friends, I get bullied. My heart sank to th bottom of everything when I saw it was from Riley Jake, once again offending me. I thought I was done dealing with this. Ironically, today I actually thought of this and said in my head "I think that's officially over with" and then here we are. I didn't think I'd have to do this, but this is the third time Riley Jake has struck me and I think it is time to report the names to the principal. I decided to let it go the first time, I am not in the mood for being the dum tattle tale, but I can't get away from this. I already feel hurt by Riley (Matthews) and all my other friends, I am sick of being the target. I am DEFINENTLY the second flaws. I have my friends doing it and to make matters worse, I have another person doing it too. So, I don't need you commenting on my stuff, Riley Jake. If you don't have anything nice to say, do not say anything at all. I now know that Riley Jake will not go away until I do something about it and I guess I have to now. So, I'm sorry to be such a bust. I hate being a tattle tale, honestly, it's for second-graders, but what else am I to do? Riley Jake, I am honestly just wondering what you have against me and why you have to me so mean to me, when I did nothing to you. If you don't like me, keep it to yourself. I'm sorry, I have been put through enough this week, my friends betraying me and ganging up on me and then that trip to the hospital and being left there. I don't need this and I won't take this stuff from anyone who doesn't matter to me. If I don't care about someone, I will not take this kind of act from them. Everyone else, I am soooo sorry to inturupt this blog once again, I can see how this would get annoying and I really do apologize. I'm so sorry for what is going on and I will be sure to get back on track as soon as I can. Sorry for the inconvienence and we will be back in running again soon.

Maya Hart


  1. How r u getting bullied ur the one posting stuff about thos girl Chalsdony I think her name is emma Serena kelly and Alexys so your the one bullying other people which is not okay

  2. What did I ever do to them?! I have never spoken to some of them!! Kellie is my friend and so is Alexys. When did I ever post anything about any of them!? I have neve spoken to Serena in my life, Alexys happens to be my friend and so is Kellie. I haven't spoken to Emma more than one time at all this year! What do you even want with me!? I am not harming any of them at all! You are the one who will not stop commenting on my stuff and I am tired of it. I never did anything to them, some of them are my friends and when you come up with one thing I did to them, I will literally write an apology blog post to you. If you actually come up with something that is true. I know what is and isn't and you can't pull anything on me. Who are you anyway and how do you know who all those people are anyway?

  3. But still you where writing very rude stuff about them which is not okay people have notify the principal that u have been writing about these girl

    1. Hey I never wrote anything mean about anyone! Tell me what mean things I wrote about them? And WHO ARE YOU!?

    2. She's just some random person jealous of your writing talent

  4. Riley? Why are you sticking up for me? I didn't even know you were still viewing my blog.

  5. Because I am tired of Riley Jake telling you what goes. You did nothing wrong. All the Chalsdony, Serena, Kellie posts are nice.

  6. Yeah, you leave Maya alone. She's my friend and I don't let anyone pick on my friends. Just leave her alone, she isn't looking for any trouble.

  7. Yeah, leave her alone. Nobody was doing anything wrong until you showed up. Just leave us all alone, we never asked for your opinions.

  8. Replies
    1. Hi, Irene. Riley, not Riley Matthews, but Riley Jake is bullying me. S/he won't stop bullying me and commenting mean comments on all my stuff.

    2. Wow it's incredible!! Ignore this/that is the best.
      Bullying is the worse.
      Luck Maya and follow my council.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Oh my god. Riley Jake. You need to stop being such a bitch to Maya. She hasn't really done anything wrong. Blogs are for expressing yourself not being bitched off at by some random chick

  11. Thanks everyone, real friends like everyone here (besides Riley Jake) are people I wanna be friends with. No offense, Riley Jake, but I feel bad for the people who are your friends, because they are friends with a cyberbully. I would not wanna be you and I have the lowest confidence outta everyone I know. I would rather be Maya Hart, than Riley Jake. Thanks to Brianna, Irene, Farkle, Lucas and Riley for sticking up for me. These people know what they are talking about, Riley Jake.
