Sunday, December 28, 2014

When March is Too Far Away!

Hey Blogger, so I am here to post something important to me and something that will make time go by so slowly. So the season finale for my absolute favorite TV show, Red Planet Diaries just aired recently so the show is in between seasons. If you have not seen Red Planet Diaries, you are seriously missing out on soooo much! So on the season finale, Ashley the Astronaut finally was going to reveal who she was in love with, Blarg or Blarg's other head. So then right before she said it, Auggie turned off the TV and made me sooo mad. So I tried to negotiate with him, we did but he got mad at me for showing up, so that ruined everything. So I adventually heard that Ashley had feelings for Blarg's other head and when the episode was over, it was almost what was expected. So then I was waiting for commercials and no new episode commercial for next week. Then I asked Riley when the new season would start and she said not until March. I wasn't sure because that seemed way too far away, and so I googled it. And apparently it was true. Red Planet Diaries next season airs on March 13th 2015 at 7:30pm. Just great! So now time will go by soooo very slooooowly when I think of Red Planet Diaries. Ashley just announced her feelings for Blarg's other head! Nothing's happened since then. I gotta know what happens!!! It will be empty and blank for months. Months! What am I ever gonna do now! I guess I will just have to wait. And wait...and wait...and wait some more. Too much wating. Maybe I'll watch re-runs of old episodes from the past season. Eh, either way, I'll figure it out. I just wanted to share my misery with you guys. Thanks for reading The 99 Problems of Maya Hart and be sure to check back again soon and also check out Red Planet Diaries if you haven't already!

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