Friday, December 5, 2014

The Hart Family's Distance

So today is the day we are officially going on the weekend trip. It won't be until 3:00pm today, I haven't even gone to school yet. So first off I need to do that and then when we get home, on Friday's school ends at 2:10pm, so then we will start packing and go. Mrs. Matthews this morning tricked me. Last weekend we were gonna go but we couldn't because of the awful weather conditions. She said that the roads are too bad and I freaked and she said she was kidding. I laughed, but I didn't it was almost a disappointment, I don't get those. So today is finally the day and you will hear about my trip while I'm on it, what I've done so far, how fun it was and what I am doing next. It'll be hugtastic! Sorry, Riley and Auggie are obsessed with this show called Henry Hugglemonster and they say things like "Hugtastic, Roarsome, Huggalicious" and even more. So yeah. Check back again soon and be sure to join me on my great adventures over the weekend, right here on The 99 Problems of Maya Hart!

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