Sunday, December 14, 2014

The Choice to Hold Custody

So I am almost dead-out, straight up, definently, totally sick of Riley and this "issue" she has. Really, it is making me wanna blow my top. So I have decided to not ignore this. Yeah so I would actually rather make this right myself, I am finished. I realize now she is never going to make it right, ever. For more than 3 hours, no. So that is it. Absolutely it. You think I can't do it? This just in, I can! Yeah in July and early August, that is exactly how it was. I had all the custody and I was never miserable! I never was, I never had a reason to. Then when she held that custody, in August our fights started! This is not an illusion, it is not impossible nor ironic it is. It is something called common sense. OMG, some of us have never used such a thing. I was fine in July-August and actually I was more than fine, I was happy! I was glad with what I had. I mean not all of it, I had to live with some pretty sickening people and I had other issues, issues similar to this whole "Farkle thing" going on now. But me, what I was doing and my relationships with everyone I know were like all I ask for! I could have my episodes relationship with everyone back! So don't think I am not willing to actually take custody, I actually am. And I would be 200,000 times better at it than Riley is. I think I can actually hit it spot on. So yeah I'm not afraid, afraid of something to benefit me. Try me, and see where it goes. So yeah thanks for reading The 99 Problems of Maya Hart!

1 comment:

  1. Why are you doing this?! You can't just kick me out, I'll have nothing. Then, I'll have to be on my own, while you just spend your life with Auggie. You actually aren't allowed to do this without my permission.
