Thursday, December 11, 2014

Hey, Maybe Their Trying....

Hey, it's Maya here and I cannot believe I am saying this and I can't believe it is true, but I guess for this moment, it is. Everyone else seems to actually be trying to go back to normal and there are nothing but good catches to it. Really! I know I sound nuts, no I didn't just get my wisdom teeth pulled. I actually believe it. I mean, yeah Riley hasn't been perfect, but I should at least acknowledge that she is trying. She keeps trying to go back to normal lately and I see it, I really do. Compared to last month, she is trying WAY harder now and Lucas is too.  I really can see some turn-around here, correct me if I'm wrong. I'm very happy right now. If that's a crime, than call me a criminal because I am very proud and should give them some credit. Riley is trying alot harder than she used to be, believe me. She is. Really. And Lucas has mostly turned back. Sure, he's kinda being off here and there, but he doesn't need to put as much effort in as Riley because he didn't change that badly and he doesn't have to change back that much either. And so Riley deserves alot of credit for this. There are only good catches in this and I am happy! So keep up the good work everyone, the effort increase is great! Thanks for reading The 99 Problems of Maya Hart and stay tuned for "Childstarlets (Part 4)" tomorrow night at 6pm!

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