Friday, November 21, 2014

Why Do Others Follow Bullies? (Bullying Awareness Day)

Why do others follow bullies? Why don't people always stand up against bullying? Why do people become bystanders? Why do they just sit there and watch? Why don't they stand up for those affected by bullying? Why wouldn't we help one of our own?

Bullying is something that has alot of genuine power. It has a lot of power in it and it is a very strong thing. So when people see someone being bullied, why don't they just always immediately step in? Well, there are plenty of explanations for this. They may fear of becoming the bullies next target. Yeah, I mean, maybe if you stood up for someone being bullied, the bully would start to pick on you. Maybe they don't want to stand out. If you are the only person standing up, you may join the victim in being outcatsed and bullied as well. If everyone else shoots you down when you try and stand up, you may be embarrased. Maybe they are afraid of the bully and don't want to get in their way. Maybe they find it is best to keep out of it, if it is none of their business. Maybe they just aren't feeling strong and brave enough to stand up. These are many reasons why people and bystanders just...stand by. And remember, just because there are all these reasons people fear standing up, doesn't mean that it is supported and that it is okay. I definently encourage standing up, standing by isn't something I support, it is just something that happens. Think about it.

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