Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Girl Meets Maya's World: Chapter 12

Chapter 12: Maya's Final Vision

I knew that for a fact, Riley would never tell me what Connor did to her. I knew it must've been something out of the ordinary. I mean, why Connor? Why wouldn't it be all of them doing it? I mean, why wouldn't the others do it too? Is it possible for all of them to? I kept myself up all night, asking myself such questions. I laid in my bed, which no matter how much I covered up, I was still cold. Stone cold. So, the sleep I got last night, was slim to none. When I woke up this morning, I got up to go to school. I did my morning routine as regular and made my way to school.

When I got there, Lucas came up to me. "So, you didn't show up at the subway yesterday" he said. "Huh?" I responded. "You told Riley you were going to meet me at the subway" he said. "Oh, yeah, right" I said. "I never asked you to, why'd ya tell Riley that?" he asked. "I must've said the wrong name, I meant Christy, Christy was going to meet me at the subway" I said. "Who's Christy?" he asked. "How should I know? Why ya asking me?" I responded. "Because you just said you met 'Christy' in the subway" he said. "Oh!...I did?" I responded. "Uhh...yeah!" he said. "Oh, well I meant that...Oh forget it!" I said, slamming my locker and walking to class.

I was waiting and waiting for Riley to show up, but she never did. Neither did Mr. Matthews, maybe they haven't fully recovered as I had percieved. Ms. Fernfelt had returned and was collecting our homework assignments from the day before. "Miss Hart, homework?" she asked. "Uhh, let me see, let me see...Nope!" I said. "Well, it's due today, so your getting a zero?" she assumed. "Guess it's lookin' that way, isn't it short stuff?" I responded sassily. She smirked and walked to Lucas's desk and then from the next person to the next. "Nice move, dreamer" Lucas said to me. "Dreamer? Your way off, leave the nicknames to the expert" I said turning around. "Whatever makes you happy" he said. I wanted to shutter in annoyance, but I couldn't, I was too focused on trying to figure out the puzzle of the Riley/Connor and Spike/Brooklyn thing. When school was over, I rushed to my locker and packed up as fast as I could. I knew what I had to do after school today.

I got home and dropped off all my stuff. I grabbed a quick granola bar as a snack and locked the door tightly. For once, it didn't freeze up. I walked all the way to Brooklyn's house. I went up to the doorstep and was about to ring the bell. I was waiting for Spike to drag me away and call me crazy. But he didn't. He never showed. I never really rung the doorbell, I was just bluffing, so Spike would come out and talk to me. But he wasn't there. "I'm going to ring the doorbell to Brooklyn's house!" I yelled, hoping he would hear me. "My fingers almost on the bell!" I cried. "I am about to meet Brooklyn and her fury of abuse-ee-ness!" I cried. "Abuse-ee-ness? What a stupid word? Why did I say that?" I thought. I was waiting and waiting for Spike but he never showed up. He knows how to get ahold of me, but I don't know how to get ahold of him. Adventually, Brooklyn opened the door. I totally forgot that Spike said Brooklyn goes to Gracie's around this time. "Ahh! Eww!" Brooklyn cried. "What are you doing here, Blondie?" she asked. "I was...uhhh..." I responded, trying to think of something, I was out of ideas. "I'm waiting. If you don't have a good reason for being here, then I'm gonna..." she drifted off. "Uhhh?" I questioned. "Where'd you get that pin?" she asked, looking down at the pin Spike gave to me. "Depends, who's asking?" I responded. "Who does it look like, hun. I don't have all day to play your playground games" she said. "Well, I got it from a friend of mine" I replied. "By the name of?" she asked. "I-I...I can't remember" I said.

Brooklyn grabbed onto my shirt and twisted it, like I did to Farkle in Girl Meets Popular. "Spill it, Blondie. Or your friend gets it" she threatned. "No, not Riley!" I cried. Then suddenly, Lucas ran up to us and pulled me and Brooklyn apart. "Let her go!" he yelled. "She-She-She's gonna hurt Riley!" I cried. Lucas pulled me up to him and looked over at Brooklyn. "Do not hurt our friend" he said. "Oh, yeah. What are you gonna do if we do" she said. "No!" I cried and tried to attack Brooklyn. "Whoa, whoa, Maya!" Lucas called pulling me back. I leaned my head into him and started crying. "Where's Riley? Do you have her?" Lucas asked Brooklyn, holding me tightly. "Not now anyway" Brooklyn said. "Just leave her alone!" I cried into Lucas. Brooklyn came up to me. "Watch it, Blondie" she said. I pulled up closer to Lucas and he pulled me away from Brooklyn. "Look, we just want you to stop hurting our friend and just leave her alone. Is there anyway that is possible?" Lucas asked. "Oh my gosh! You two are almost as annoying as Riley herself, ughh!" Brooklyn cried. I looked up at Lucas with a sad look on my face. He nodded his head at me. "Okay, this is enough. You are not just attacking Riley, literally, but you are hurting Maya, her best friend. It's too much pressure for her and your hurting Riley which hurts Maya" Lucas said. My frown turned to a smile as I looked to Lucas. "Come on, Maya. Let's go" Lucas said grabbing my hand and pulling me down the steps. "Finally" Brooklyn said, making her way to Gracie's.

After Lucas took me back to my house, I got ready for bed. I called Riley and talked to her for a bit. I told her that I went to Brooklyn's house to get Spike to talk to me, but she said he's only there if he needs to be and I was fine on my own, until Lucas showed up. And who knows, maybe if he didn't I would've been history. So, after that, I decided to never go back to Brooklyn's house again. I was terrified and I didn't wanna know what happens next. So, I never really knew what happened after that. Nobody did. Only Riley knows to this day....Whatever will happen next?


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