Friday, November 21, 2014

Is It Any Better to be a Bystander? (Bullying Awareness Day)

I know everyone knows that being the bully in a bullying situation is the most guilty part of a bullying situation. If you bully someone, you are the worst person, even though everyone follows you. Does anyone ever wonder, is bystanding any better than bullying itself? Is it better to stand by, watch and laugh than to be the one actually hurting someone else? Should bystanders get the same punishment as bullies do?

Bystanding is possibly just as bad as bullying. When people gather around and laugh at someone being bullied, it only encourages the bully to keep bullying because everyone seems to like watching it. You can be a bystander or stand up. If you were to stand up for someone being bullied instead of laughing and watching, it would make a difference, for the bully, for the victim and for the other bystanders watching around. Make a change and stand up, because being a bystander is no better than being a bully. Bystanding can easily make the situation worse, when it causes the bully to feel appreciated, encouraged and noticed, to look bigger than the victim, proving to everyone that the bully is so tough. The attention of bystanders encourages the bully to keep bullying. By being a bystander, you are encouraging bullying, you are bullying. Think about it.

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