Wednesday, November 5, 2014

All She Did Helped Noone

Okay, so school today was actually pretty decent up to 8th period. So, in science which was Period 5, me and Lucas joined up on a science project. We had real dead animals and insects in our science class that were in glass jars. Each partnership got to take 3 glass jars to their desk and examine the animal and put it into a food chain, not literally put it in a food chain, but write it down and put it into a food chain. So, me and Lucas began working on ours. "I'll go get the jars" I said getting up. I came back with 3 jars. "I got the baby duckling, the wasp and the giant grasshopper" I said setting them all down. "That grasshopper is bigger than my hand" Lucas said examining the grasshopper, which literally was bigger than his hand. Oh and don't worry, these animals and bugs were already dead. "It's adorable!" I said shoving the grasshopper jar in Lucas's face. "Eww, no it isn't" he said pushing it away. I laughed and set it down. We began working on our food chain. Then after a while of attempting to terrify Lucas with the grasshopper, the bell wrang and we went to lunch. Then it got boring. Then 8th period came along, and here's the point of this post, I just really wanted to tell the science story. So, Period 8 was gym class. So, me and Lucas were walking to gym class. "We'd better hurry up, or we'll be late" Lucas said. "Look, girls in our class up there haven't even made it there yet" I said pointing to the two girls ahead of us, carrying their gymstrip bags. "Yeah, but your the slowest changer in 7th grade, so let's go" Lucas said. He is right, I am the slowest changer in 7th grade. I get in at the same time as everyone else and I'm always the last out. The lesson's already started when I get out. So, anyway. We did stretching, demonstrated by an annoying guy on a video. We got mats and laid them out and followed the man's steps. His voice was reeeaaaallly annoying. So, then me and Lucas set up our mats and started doing the stretches along with the rest of the class. We went for 20 minutes. "I can't do this, I give up" I said trying to catch my breath. "No, Maya. Don't give up, you can do this, you've come too far to give up now" Lucas said trying to reassure me. "Uggh! Fine." I said joining back in on the push-ups. Then we had like 5 minutes left of the video. "Finally! We're almost done!" I chanted in relief. Then we were doing one of our final stretches when Lucas just fell down and didn't get up. I looked down at him, something clearly was wrong. Nobody else in the class noticed in the dark. "Get up! What's the matter?" I asked annoyed. He didn't respond to me, but we was still sitting up shaking. I sat down beside him. "What is it, were missing the stretches....Take your time" I said. "It really hurts" he cried. "What does? What happened?!" I asked panicking. "Maya!" he cried leaning forward. "No, no. Come on, what happened!" I yelled quietly. Soon enough another girl in the other class came up to us. "What happened?" she asked. "I don't know, Lucas, tell me" I said. She sat down beside me and was trying to help like I was. "Lucas please tell me what happened!" I cried. "Where's the teacher?" the girl asked looking around. "Not in here!" I panicked. I started freaking out and going AWOL on the girl, correcting everything she said and putting pressure on Lucas to tell me what happened. "Calm down, we just need to get a teacher" the girl said. "From where, the pet teacher store!" I yelled. "Okay, go get the office ladies or something" she said. "They don't know how to do anything but force kids to come here and resulting in injury and E.R trips and death, so really it's their faults!" I cried. "No, it isn't. The school board decides on who goes to school and when" she said. "Whatever, if I wanted an answer, I would've asked for one, thanks!" I yelled. The girl looked at Lucas and back at me. I plopped myself down beside Lucas and gripped onto his shirt. "Just tell me already!" I cried. "Maya, don't" he said. Adventually many students crowded around and hardly anyone was actually doing excersizes and stretches anymore. Then Coach Gleason came back into the gym with 2 students he pulled out to help him in the weight room. "What is going on!" he yelled. "He got hurt" one girl said. "He wouldn't even tell us how or why!" I shouted. "Everyone back up!" he yelled. Everyone but me backed up. Coach Gleason looked at me disconcerned. "What?! I've come to far to give up now, get it or get out!" I shouted at him. "Can't argue with that" he said. He got Lucas to the nurses room okay. I was panicking the whole time when Coach Gleason and the nurse didn't let me go in too. I walked with them to the nurse's office, but I wasn't allowed to stay. I rushed back to the gym and was about to change when the bell wrang and I forgot about changing and went and immediately told Riley. So, yeah that happened. I didn't even help, really. I just panicked and everything I did helped noone. I just panicked and probably made it worse, honestly. I was going nuts and probably distracted everyone and stressed them out. All I did helped noone. I never knew what happened to Lucas in the end, but I'm sure he's okay now. So, check back on The 99 Problems of Maya Hart again soon and I'll give you the update when I go to school tomorrow and find out if the life or death situation ended in the second word. So, check back again soon!

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