Friday, November 21, 2014

How Can I Stand Up? (Bullying Awareness Day)

How I stand up? How can we make a difference? How can we stand up to bullying? How can we prevent bullying before it even starts? How can we be brave enough to stand up? How can we prevent our fears from getting the best of us?

Standing up to bullying is a very hard thing to do, I know. It isn't easy to stand up and just forget everything you are afraid of. We all know it's the right thing to do, but not all of us do it, or even think of doing it. Bullies know what they are doing is wrong, but not all the time. You can become a bully by just going along with the crowd. How can I make a difference? Well, we can help explain to students how it feels to be bullied. We can survey they students in our schools and ask how many have been bullied and show these results to our class, our school and show how much bullying affects our lives. We can stand up to bullies and help others stand up, by defending the victims of bullying. We can do lots of bullying prevention activities. There is alot you can do to stop bullying. Think about it.

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