Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Girl Meets Maya's World: Credits & Congrats

So, I just finished the final chapter of "Girl Meets Maya's World" and let me just say, it was an honor writing the story. I am so thankful I wrote it, it helped me understand and figure out more ideas of what to do with life. How I handled these situations really showed me a light I've never seen before. It helped me to realize to never hurt your friends and be there when they need you. You never know how badly you can hurt someone, really. Trust me, I would know. It helped me to realize that these are tough situations not meant to be taken lightly and abuse is something we, as American's must conquer. We let our own fear prevent us from saving the life of another. We hurt people, and it goes too far and people take this lightly. It helped me realize that we need to stand up. Stand up for what is right here in The United States of America!

Girl Meets Maya's World, a Girl Meets World story centered around Maya Hart, Girl Meets World's deuteragonist, as she faces one of the world's most serious problem today. Maya learns that abuse is not something to be taken lightly and it may be hard to stand up, to stick out and to not feel in danger doing so, but no matter what telling an adult is the right thing to do. Maya also learns that in every tough situation your in, you will always have a friend by your side, even if they seem to be getting in your way, they are just trying to protect you. Girl Meets Maya's World is based on a true story that is not too different from this one. This past August, Maya found her best friend in a tough situation, crying to her about abuse that was going on with her during that month. In August, Maya tried to confront Connor, Brooklyn and the rest of their group, but failed as they took her down with their words. Maya feared them and let her fears get in the way of saving her best friend, who was often coming home bruised and she now has difficult facing every-day challenges. Maya supported her friend, but didn't do very much to stop it. She now has learned, this story has taught her to always stand up for what is right and do not let your fears get in the way of what could be, saving someone's life.

I was inspired to write this story when my best friend found herself in a situation involving older teenagers and abuse. Riley and her situation inspired me to write this story and show the world and myself that it is not that hard to stand up. One little thing that you do, could make a big difference in someone else's life. Guarenteed. I also gives credit to my friends, Farkle and Lucas for inspiring me to show great friendship and how being there and protecting your friends is important. I wouldn't have been able to show true friendships and relationships with real suspense and true trust and care without them. I also give credit to Riley for letting me write this story, bringing the light to me, showing me how to really handle situations like this.

Thanks to everyone for reading "Girl Meets Maya's World" and I am very proud to be the author with inspiration of this story and it was a blessing writing for all of you who enjoyed it as much as I did. Thank you America!

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