Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Best Job of Sticking Together

So, yesterday, me and Auggie were watching the Jessie Bullying Awareness marathon and Auggie started crying because of his sister, and how she became someone he never knew and took some of that out on him. I hugged him and started crying too, we just do that lately, we just randomly start crying about it when we think about it. So then Mr. Matthews came down and said "What are you two up to?" and we just kept crying. He came and sat down on the couch beside us. "Auggie! What's that matter, guys?" he asked. "Riley's the matter!" Auggie cried. "She said she not Maya's friend because there's nothing in it for her" Auggie added. "She mean to me too!" Auggie kept on crying and stumbling on his words. "Yeah, she said she is not going to be my friend anymore because there is nothing in it for her, she doesn't care how she makes any of us feel" I explained. "I can't see this out of her at all" Mr. Matthews said. "But it's true!" Auggie whimpered. "Well, maybe this is just a fase" Mr. Matthews hoped. "A fase that lasts 3 weeks?" I asked crying. "It doesn't seem like my sweet little daughter to do such a thing, especially to you two" Mr. Matthews said. "But she is, we can't cry unless we hav a reason" Auggie cried. Auggie started crying, and so did I. We hugged each other tightly and kept crying. "Auggie, Maya. You know, maybe you two are going through a rough time with her, but you know, you two are doing a very good job of sticking together" Mr. Matthews told us. "We are?" Auggie asked. "Yes, you have Maya who would drop her whole world to take care of you, Auggie" Mr. Matthews added. I sniffeled and whipped away my tears. "Yeah, I would" I said hugging Auggie and rubbing his back. "I promise you, I'll take you where you need to go" I added. "Literally!" Auggie laughed, refering to me picking him up from school everyday. I laughed and we hugged each other, smiling. "See, you may be in it with Riley right now, your sister and your best friend" he said motioning to us. "But, Auggie, Maya is like a sister to you, the sister you no longer have and she won't do what Riley did to you" Mr. Matthews said. "Never" I smiled at Auggie and hugged him. "You two finish your show and I gotta get back up to mom" he said getting up. "Thanks, Mr. Matthews" I said. "Thank you, Daddy!" Auggie smiled. Mr. Matthews smiled at us and went upstairs.

Then at bedtime, Auggie followed me into his bedroom. I looked back and saw him watching me set up my bed. (Well, his bed, but where I was sleeping). I grabbed his hand and led him to the door. "Go to bed now, Auggie, get some sleep" I said bending down at him. "Kay!" he smiled and hugged me. I sent him off and got into bed. I was sitting up, crying like I did for the past 3 nights. Then I got up and crowded the bed with extra blankets, stuffies and all that other stuff I found in Auggie's room, to make it more comforting. I opened th window and stared out it at the winter night. The sky was bright orange at 10 o'clock at night. I prayed to God that this would all fix itself up and that I would stop doing wrong whatever it is I do. So then when I finished, I shut the blinds and got into my piled up bed and picked up Auggie and Riley's old stuffed animal, known by the name of Bootsy. Bootsy is a cat, one that can walk and meow when you turn her on. I turned Bootsy on and heard her meows and laughed along with her. Then Auggie came in. "Maya?" he asked sadly, like he was crying. "Yeah, what is it?" I asked. "Can I sleep with you?" he asked, he was definently crying. "Of course, come here" I said moving into the back of the bed. I helped Auggie up and covered him up. "You gotta lot of stuff in here!" he said. "Yeah" I replied. "Bootsy!" he cheered when he saw Bootsy. Then I told him lyrics to a song, trying to explain that everything is okay with his dumb-arse sister. He said "Is that lyrics to a song?" and I started singing the song. "Again!" he cheered when I was finished. I sang him multiple different songs, including There Will Be a Day (the first song he asked about the lyrics) my christmas song, O'Holy Night (me and Riley's old favorite song) and I forget the others. So then we fell asleep. In the morning, Mrs. Matthews came in and woke me up and told me to try and not wake up Auggie. So I didn't wake him up and he's still sleeping. I'm not coming home for lunch anymore, now that Riley's going to school again. So, yeah I'll see him again after school. Check back on The 99 Problems of Maya Hart again soon!

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