Saturday, January 31, 2015

Honest to God, If I Could I Would...

Hey Blogger, so last night after we went swimming, which was #Awesome, we came home and ate cereal for a bedtime snack, I know weird and then we went upstairs and Riley was unessecarily praising her hamster. Oh my gosh, that thing is like her god!! Honestly she praises it like it will kill her if she doesn't. I hated it more in the beginning of it's arrival here, but it wore off because Riley praised it less. She treated it normally for a while, and not better than she treated people. Whenever she does anything unnesessary with it, that's when I get mad. Like every single time she gets home, she goes up there to say hi to it. It can't talk!! It doesn't understand a word we are saying and probably doesn't love us as much as Riley and Mrs Matthews says it does. Hamster have no emotions, you can get more of a face out of a cat! And that's a cold hard fact, cats have more emotions than hamsters. I don't know about ferrets, Ginger doesn't show much emotion. Speaking of Ginger, I spend everyday with her for less than a week and then she was my normal pet. Ginger is not my god, that would be down right AWKWARD. I love Ginger, she's my pet, I really do but I don't go singing my praises to her like she's my mother or any human being for that matter. Okay sure show more love to Ginger than my mother, but my mother is messed up, our relationship is on a rocker so it makes sense. If I had an average mother, no way would I praise Ginger. Like honestly, she spends the last 5 minutes before we go back to school when we come home for lunch, saying goodbye to the hamster, it doesn't care if you say bye, it doesn't know your saying bye and it doesn't know what bye means!! I don't care if she loves it to death, but when she starts valuing it more than people, that's where it becomes a problem. It is a problem when she values it over people and when she gives it unessecary treatment like saying goodbye to it for the last 5 minutes of the day. Otherwise, I don't care at all how much she loves it, I am just sick of it being ahead of me and everyone else in her life. Did it change her diapers, has it been her brother for the past 5 years, as it been her best friend for the past 6 years, has it been crushing on her since the 1st grade, does she have a crush on it? Okay well that last one is relatively possible considering the way she treats that thing. It would be awkward, really awkward, but hey it's awkward enough that it is her god and role model, it wouldn't surprise me if she fell in love with it after that. And okay, sure Auggie looks up to me, I know that. I told him last night that I have a plan that's actually gonna work to get him out of this with me, but at least I'm a person!! A 5-year-old seeing a 14-year-old as his role model is not nearly as creepy as Riley looking up to the hamster. And before I generated the plan to get Auggie out of this, right before I left Riley's room last night, I realized she is always rude to me, treating that hamster better than me and so she leaves me no choice. She literally ditched on me and like I said to Auggie, I have nowhere else to go. She wants Auggie to stop looking up to me, she needs to stop valuing the hamster more than people, otherwise no deal. And I can get Auggie out of this, I still can't believe I didn't think of this plan before, he'll be out of it for sure if I really want him to. But with the hamster being Riley's god, I'll stick with being Auggie's. Honest to God, I can get Auggie out of this and I mean it. But I realized why I've been leaning on him so much. Riley is always mean to me (sometimes about the hamster) and she ditches me and I have nobody else to cry to and nowhere else to go. I realized it when Riley was kicking me out last night and I said "Well I'm just going to Auggie!" and that's when it hit me. I always go to him because she leaves me and I have nowhere else to go to. I deserve to love the friend that stayed, Riley leaves Auggie stays, and she wonders why we are the way we are. I can end this with Auggie and it will work. If it doesn't, I would not go on the computer for a week, no joke. But I'm not going to do it, change Auggie because of the hamster praised god. So yeah, nice talk and thanks for reading The 99 Problems of Maya Hart and I'm glad I've made myself clear.

Man, I've always wanted to do that! If you get in my biggest problem pictures, you have to have done something really bad, and not just once, over a period of time. My mom has been on this, she's done something wrong most of my life. Riley's been on this, hello she was a jerk before the hamster arrived and has been from September-January/Present. And now this hamster is joining it, being praised for over a period of time from November-present. Feels good to put people on this! Your not lucky if you don't get on it, your unlucky if you do get on it. My Biggest Problem #3 - The Hamster God.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! No wonder your blog is called The 99 Problems Of Maya Hart!!! LOL! :)
