Wednesday, January 14, 2015

If It Wasn't a Joke....

Hey Blogger, so everyone read my last post, I wrote that last night before I went to bed, I was pretty mad. And so that turned out Riley walked in and me and Auggie feared of going deaf when she talked so we covered ours and Penny's ears and sang songs to avoid hearing her talk. Then she wanted to talk to Bernadette alone. #PoorBernadette. So then me and Auggie left and went downstairs. We checked my phone and got a drink. Right when Auggie sat down to go to the bathroom, we heard a mumbling sound that wasn't either of us. So we charged upstairs for our dear lives. Then we walked in and they weren't finished. Then me and Auggie went into Riley's room and sat on the bed. Didn't give a thought or care for the hamster once. Then when they were done, we came in and announced that it was our turn for a talk with Bernadette. So we talked to her and it seemed like she was against us and from what we heard from the other room, she wasn't against Riley. But who is around here? Nobody. And by nobody I mean nobody's on my side. So then everyone saw this coming, Riley played some pitty apology on Auggie and that pitty child accepted. Mostly because he hadn't heard the voice of normal her in a while. It was like his dream. But I'm not 5 years old and there's more to it than just voice modifications and I'm old enough to know that. I am like almost done with the 'best friend' card, seriously. I think I just might title Sarah my best friend because she is the nicest friend I have but were not gonna be all like me and Riley were. She's just the best friend I have so what else can I do. I might as well give the title to someone who I know won't make me misunderstand the meaning of the word 'best friends' because after the past 5 months, I'm not sure I do know the meaning anymore. Like it ever was what I thought it was. So anyway, that's that. I may consider being her average friend like Farkle and Lucas are, but I'll think about it. Spoiler alert, stealing my line from Girl Meets Master Plan. I'll think about it. Yeah, I was ticked off at her in Girl Meets Master Plan and she said "Are you still mad at me?" and I said "I'll think about it" and I will now. I mean I can see if she did this to episodes me, I would've given it up by now. Besides if she did this to episodes me, I would react exactly how I am now because I started there, episodes me. So yeah, I'm like finished with this. There is no proof it will be the same again and how could it be? After all of this I don't know how it could. I have other friends, the only one of us who does, so I will be okay. I have Auggie, even if he likes her too, he's not gonna help her be mean to me unless everyone's 100% episodes which would require me and Riley to be all like "that" again, so I don't see it happening. To argue with Girl Meets World of Terror, yes she does mean to make me feel bad and she does it everyday. Period. End of that sentence. So anyway, thanks for reading bye.

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