Friday, January 16, 2015

Maya's 14th Birthday!

Hey Blogger, so today is officially my 14th Birthday! January 16th 2001 was exactly 14 years ago! Mr Matthews asked me if I felt like I was 14 and I said I didn't feel any different, which is natural. I don't even know if I'm 14 yet because I don't know what time I was born at. So turning 14 is kinda weird, I think I may be the oldest kid in 7th Grade. I'm supposed to be in Grade 8 because I was held back in elementary school. So as today is my birthday, that means that Girl Meets Master Plan, my birthday episode is airing tonight! So everyone please enjoy that and don't be afraid to tell me what you think of the episode afterwards!

Okay, I know that last one was a little childish, but hey, it's my birthday. Go big or go home. So my birthday only comes once a year and I'm glad it isn't 7 years ago, on my 7th birthday. #WorstBirthdayEver. So spending my birthday at school on one of the worst scheduled days is gonna be epic. Not. So wish me the best of luck on my 14th Birthday! I know I probably won't get to see my mom on my birthday, but that's okay. Yeah, it'll be fine. I'm just turning 14 not dying. So anyway thanks for reading The 99 Problems of Maya Hart and be sure to wish me a happy Birthday! (And check back soon)


  1. Happy birthday!!! I will be 15 this year.

    Kises :)

    1. Awww! Your a year older than me! Thanks Ireeeeeniita!

  2. Hi Maya! Happy B Day!! I wish you all the best in your future! Your an awesome person, and that's what I like about you. Your cool, your smart, and really talented in more ways than one. Don't lose that talent! I hope you would make a account so we can chatt on there too. I miss you :) And I miss Riley too. She hasn't been replying to my comments...

  3. And I also will be turning 15!! WOOHOO!! But as you get older... There are more changes, more responsibilities... And more people to count on.

  4. Really great blog!! You chose right words to describe your 14 birthday excitement. I also turned 14 last month and the day was quite ordinary till evening. But my mom made the evening really special for me by throwing a surprise party at my favorite event location rentals in Brooklyn.
