Thursday, January 1, 2015

A New Year, A New Beginning

Hey Blogger, so guess what today is? Nah, you already know and if you don't, that is just plain sad. So it is the first official day of 2015, Happy New Year losers. So 2015 is here and 2014 is...not. It's gone, Mr Matthews stayed up til like 1am grading papers, Auggie fell asleep around 10pm and me, Riley and Mrs Matthews watched re-runs of The Big Bang Theory until 9 minutes before midnight, when we joined sweaty clown hooligans on Channel 9 for the New Years countdown. Not your typical New Years I guess. Oh and I went to a New Years celebration thing with the Matthews to apartment 27 across the hall and I will tell you more about that in our next couple posts. So 2015 is a new beginning and a chance for some people to change their negativity routes and for others to change their habits of who they beat up, and for others to change their annoying bragging un-rights and for others to not take my side all the time and for others to stop taking my phone away and for others to stop talking too many life lessons. I basically just listed my issue with everyone I know, so screw them and that. Riley, Lucas, Farkle, Auggie, Mrs Matthews, Mr Matthews. The beginning ones were the more ones that I actually meant and am annoyed with, the whole life lessons thing is just how Mr Matthews roles. Anyway, so Happy New Year 2015 and for once in world history, Keep your stinkin' resolutions already!

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