Sunday, January 18, 2015

The People That Matter - 2015 vs. 2014

Hey Blogger, so today I am going to do a competition between people I know and there importance rank 2014 compared to 2015. So let's see!

Round 1:
Okay, so we are gonna play 2014's Riley Matthews vs. 2015's Penny. So Riley Matthews, important ranked from July-September and then from December-present. She was my best friend for 6 years before this and was my major plot all throughout Girl Meets World. In July-September, she acted relevant and relatable enough to be considered normal. October-Novemeber, I didn't really pay much attention. December-January, she has failed miserably to play the part. She has been negative, rude and discouraging to me and Auggie, leading us to be wonderous of the feeling of happiness, which we do not know how to show anymore. Moving on to 2015's Penny. At first started out as someone who had no real relationship with. She was just there to prevent Riley's negativity and block her out for a couple hours. She has greatly improved over the past few days, trying to reconcile the relationships between Me and Auggie with Riley. She has made it work decently. She tried and cares to be here. She hasn't tooken over our show since the beginning and has made an agreement with us.

Winner: 2015's Penny

Round 2:
We are going to play 2014's Lucas Friar and 2015's Shawn Hunter/Katy Hart.
In 2014, I gained some bond with Lucas due to the fact that Riley had paired with Farkle, being the only 2 left, we made some connection. It worked out some of the time, he made me really happy. There were times I felt I needed him, like he needed me. Although, on the side bar, he did hit me several times through out November 10-December 2014. I was upset and mislead by this relationship often and questioning taking part in it. Moving to 2015's Katy and Shawn. These people have became a big highlight of my life since Girl Meets Master Plan, my 14th Birthday. From 2001-2014 I saw my mom as someone who neglected me and who never cared for me more than her career. Now I saw on my birthday that she does care about me and I do matter and we've formed a better relationship. Now Shawn was also something else. Throughout my childhood, I felt like I was often alone and discouraged. I felt like I was the only one going through this problem with my family and my school work and I felt like nobody understood me. Then he told me that his mom was like my dad and his dad is like my mom. I realized I wasn't alone and I wasn't the only one who grew up like that. Then on my birthday when he took charge when my mom didn't show up and those two started fighting at the diner, I felt like he really cared about me and not just because he's been where I am. I felt like I had a family for once, like they were actually there for me.

Winner: 2015's Shawn and Katy.

So 2014 was a rough go, I would say. Since then, my family life has improved and so have my friendship stances. I would say my family issues are now more of a problem than my friendship issues, which is what I was aiming for. Maybe New Years Resolutions make sense, not that that was an assigned resolution. So Penny and my family have made a great impact on me and I've been really happy with the outcomes. Riley and Lucas, those times were hard, but even mine and their realtionships have noticably improved and that's nothing to complain about. I'm glad this year could become a greater success than the last year and I can see this year coming along quite well, unless something unexpected happens. Thanks for reading The 99 Problems of Maya Hart and be sure to check back again soon!

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