Monday, September 22, 2014

The Opposite of Innocent

Okay, so I know by the title of this post, it may look like I did something wrong. Wrong! What this is about is I actually didn't do something wrong. That is what this is about. Have you ever been accused of an act of crime you did not commit? Well, that is what I am here to tell you about today. Something I didn't do, that I am being accused of. So, have you ever heard of online theft? Hackers? People who don't hack into their best friend's account because they are not that cruel and couldn't care less about blog pages? Well, that last one is exactly me. It's a thing, you know. It's a thing made up by me 5 seconds ago, but it's still a thing. So, what happened was Riley's blog pages were messed up yesterday and all in the wrong order or something like that. Suddenly, this morning one of her blog pages go missing about I don't know what. So, because I know her old password which she changed before I got the chance to even go into hers today, she accuses me of deleting her blog page. It didn't start that way you know. She kept saying "Whoever deleted it is such an idiot" and things like that and I finally said "You accusin' me of something?" and she said she wasn't. After a long moment of silence, she did start accusing me of something. That. That exactly. She accused me of logging into her account and deleting her stupid blog page. Okay, there are sooo many things wrong with that thought. For starters, I would never hurt my best friend like that. Second of all, I couldn't care less about that blog page of hers. Third of all, does she not know anything about what I do? If I really hacked her account, it would be for something more important, like some secret she could be keeping from me. And also, I would certainly not do anything to get myself caught. Like Gabe Duncan once said "If I really cheated, he wouldn't have known about it!" and that is exactly what I think. If I really hacked her account she would not have known about it! Why would I change anything on there, if she's clearly gonna notice sometime?! If I really did anything like that, she would not have known about it! I know how Gabe feels! Well, still. There are so many defenses I have against that. Facts. Complete utterly true, cold hard facts. I didn't do it and I certainly could not care less one little bit about that stupid blog page of hers. So, she can accuse me all she wants of deleting her blog page, the truth always comes out, so adventually she will see the light. I am innocent....for once....still innocent!

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