Tuesday, September 23, 2014

And Onto The Next...

Well, I've decided that if Riley is going to say all those cruel things to me and actually have gutt to say them and not apologize without thinking I should, well than maybe I should find a new best friend who would never say that. Sure, they have no history and I don't know them that well....yet. I could always get to know someone. I didn't know Riley as soon as I met her, but the progressed as time went by. So, I could always find someone at 12 years old and then know them as my best friend through Middle School and High School and even after that. You have to let time pass to give a history before you offend someone for having none. I mean, I'm not saying I will actually just find some random person from our show or something. I mean, there's a girl in my grade and gym class, but she already has a best friend who is in our gym class as well. He is a boy, but gender doesn't matter at all. So, there's also my friend from my class, but she already has history, which is the problem. I already know her as one thing and we can't change our friendship anymore, it's too late. We already know each other as a certain thing. We used to not even like each other in Grade 6. Well, I guess I don't have to even know them yet. Maybe I need to search for someone new. Someone I have never met. I guess maybe I could go and meet new people when I am outside of school, like people I meet at the park or just around or something. There are many ways to meet someone. So, I guess maybe I'll do that. I guess I have to try, I mean I probably want someone who cares about me as much as I care about them and someone who won't threaten our friendship or even think once about saying that they don't want to be my friend. I want someone who I know I can go to no matter what and I won't be afraid they are annoyed or offended. I just want someone like that....like how I used to have. I miss elementary school, middle school has caused so much problems. Well, I guess I can't give up and I can find a new best friend. It may take time, but I'll find her...adventually. But I will! I just gotta keep my eyes open and focus. That's gonna be hard for me, to focus and all, but for my best friend, I will do anything.

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