Thursday, September 18, 2014

Maya and Lucas - Partner Projects

So, in school it usually works out that because Riley and Farkle aren't in me and Lucas's class, they are in the same one and we are, that me and Lucas always end up being partners in assignments. So, in Sports Medicine 7, we were partners and we had to research a Nurse-Midwife, which in Lucas's defense is something he didn't wanna do. What a Nurse-Midwife really is, is a nurse that is certified to help with birth and pregnancies. He clearly didn't want to research that, but that is what we pulled outta the hat. No, seriously, we chose what we are researching by pulling a card out of a hat. So, we just submitted it and we may get a decent mark! If Lucas helped, we likely won't fail. He only corrected me 82 times to be exact. Oh and here is the best part. In Religion 7, we are doing projects on the Eight Beatitudes, which are like basically similar to the 10 commandments, just with different commandments. So, we are doing our final project on the Beatitudes and we had to make a game board, a children's story book, a comic or a play/skit thing. So, me and Lucas paired up and decided to do the children's book. I don't know why he thought we should to the children's book. Something about one of us having the mind of a child, I dunno. So, the children's book allows us to explain the beatitudes in a way children can understand. Again, still wondering why he picked that. And so we made our children's book (which isn't nearly done) called "Little Vanessa" by Maya Hart and Lucas Friar. So, it is about a child named Vanessa Jane who experiences situation and helps people with problems, going against the beatitudes and this child fixes everything up. We are writing Page # 4 right now, almost on Page # 5. I love religion now, I can't wait for our next class. We have to continue on Little Vanessa tonight, and get the supplies to make the actual book. Right now, we only have 5 pages of the script. So, we both love religion right now! I can't wait to work on Little Vanessa! Oh and this is a funny moment me and one of my friends had in religion.

Her: I'm doing the children's book one too.
Me: Mine's Little Vanessa.
Her: Mine's Princess Emily.

Funny, right? We both did similar ones, with little children saving the day! Haha, well that's it for now!

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