Friday, September 19, 2014

The Laugh of a Loved Child...

So, tonight, Riley and me went to the saucer park. When we got there, a family was on the one saucer already, so we took the other one. A mom was laying down on the saucer, with her 3-year-old son on her stomache and the dad was standing by laughing and enjoying them. The mom was tickling the little boy and he was laughing so hard, he couldn't even breathe. He looked over at me a couple times, with his smiling face, laughing, likely hoping I would laugh too, but I didn't. Not to disappoint the child. I just couldn't. He was laughing and his mom was laughing and they were having so much fun. At 3 years old, I've never seen a happier kid. While at 3 years old, he was laughing, I was crying. He was playing, I was hiding. He was talking, I could barely talk. His parents love him and he knows that. They held onto him like he was all they had to lose, and they definently didn't want that. I was his age, and I cried myself to sleep. He probably laughs himself to sleep. He's probably thrown up of laughing so hard, I've only thrown up at that age of not eating for 5 hours. It's not normal for a  little kid to not eat that long. Well, I just felt devistated and alone, watching them have so much fun. That will never be me, I look at people and things and know it's something I'll never have...

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