Saturday, August 2, 2014

When Is It NOT My Turn?? (Original Page)

So, this is the post on the one of the pages I made 5 minutes ago called "When Is It NOT My Turn??" and I have decided to publish it live. So, yeah. Because I don't care what happens to this and if it happens or not, I don't care how public this is, now realizing it, my life is so far all me and let it be that way. So I am going to show you one of the pages I thought I shouldn't let anyone read, but realizing it now, who cares because nothing is going to change and besides, anyone could have figured this out.

"When Is It NOT My Turn??" Written and Presented By: Maya Hart!

The weirdest thing is that in the majority of the episodes that have aired and the ones soon to be aired, I am always being the one out of me and Riley stuck with Farkle. I mean, she never has to do it if I don't and I always do it when she doesn't. I will list the episodes that have aired and the episodes that haven't that prove I am always the one taking every turn for this.

Season 1 Episode 2 - Girl Meets Boy
Season 1 Episode 3 - Girl Meets Sneak Attack (Possibly)
Season 1 Episode 4 - Girl Meets Father
Season 1 Episode 5 - Girl Meets Truth (Possibly)
Season 1 Episode 13 - Girl Meets Farkle's Choice (Possibly)
Season 1 Episode 19 - Girl Meets Fish

And those are all the episode I am the sucker in. So, that is just great, isn't it? Here is the list that Riley has on her own.

Season 1 Episode???

She has none and I have 6 of them. So, and the ones that I share with Riley are:

Season 1 Episode 5 - Girl Meets Truth
Season 1 Episode 13 - Girl Meets Farkle's Choice

See, Riley has none by herself and I have 6 by myself. We have 2 together. Meaning that 4/6 of the times I am involved in it, I am the ONLY one involved in it. 2/6 times I share with Riley and 0/6 times, it is Riley's only. So, yeah regognizable? Be aware that this is hopefully not going to happen in the future.


  1. Replies
    1. This was also a long time ago, I have really no clue what I meant.
