Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Revenge Works Alone

Hey Blogger, so guess what? You will not believe this! Well apparently the bible is an honest book. It says that God will get revenge for you, you don't have to blackmail people and stuff. "Revenge is mine, say it the Lord" is a quote from it. And it's true! You all know how I've said several times that Riley makes me pay for our friendship? If you haven't, view the following posts for proof:

The Replacement Story
Friendships Barrier - Original Page -
Back to the Dinner (2012...and 2014?)
People That Matter (2014 vs. 2015)
The 99 Problems (Still the Issues)

Yeah, those are all the posts that I mentioned Riley making me pay for our friendship. There are 4 of them. Four! How sad is that? I'll answer that, very sad. So then today her friend at school (her only one besides Farkle) said that she meant nothing to him and he never cared, so he also made her pay for friendship. Literally, he asked for money! Hahahaha!!! She literally got it right back at her!! So she makes me pay for friendship, she can't be my friend unless something's in it for her, a monthly rent and now she has it too! Feels great huh? She was about to cry at school today, and little did she know that when she did it to me, I felt the same way! Now she knows how it feels to be forced to pay for friendship, how awesome is that? I didn't even have to do anything! I didn't sabbotauge her or nothing! I didn't put her friend up to it, or anything! Revenge works alone, it doesn't need me to do it! Hahaha!!! That's classic, totally classic! She knows exactly how it feels now. She better get her rent money out because it's time for a payment! Hahaha!! Her classmate is amazing, nice one! Lovin' that kid right now! Yes, the whole revenge part is funny, but more importantly she knows how it feels and considering she was about to cry, I DID cry when she did it to me, but mostly because I wasn't in the middle of school and I wasn't on the verge of being embarrased in front of a bunch of 7th Graders. She knows how it feels and if she learned any lesson from that (I'm assuming she did not) she won't do it again and if she does, well she's got issues. If you can't learn a single lesson in life, your gonna be stuck there until you do. Well thanks for reading The 99 Problems of Maya Hart and be sure to check back again soon!

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