Hey Blogger, I know I wrote not long ago, ironically on a topic that will be the opposite of this one. So I realized something, like 5 minutes ago or so. I may have been wrong. About Riley. Sure she hasn't shown any care for me, or any reason for me to go to her without being afraid of rejection but she hasn't been proving she doesn't wanna be my friend anymore than I have, either. So I'm not sure what she thinks right now, everyone knows that every single time I never wanted this, she did at points but I don't know now. So I guess maybe I should give her another chance, it doesn't mean I'm forgiving everyone, not Madeline, not Lucas, not anyone else who betrayed me unless they wanna step forward first. I'm not gonna apologize first to any of those people. I've been made fun of by a 6-year-old in 5th Grade, I don't need it and Madeleine started it. Then Lucas and me have been off for a while. He took sides without a good reason, just like one of my best friends, Kaelyn did. So then those others like Farkle, ah I don't know what their problem is, but Farkle siding with Riley this afternoon was unacceptable. She said she wouldn't do that unless I did it with Auggie, and I didn't do it with Auggie until she did it with Farkle first. So those people, ain't my problem. So I have to say, I may have taken it a bit far. I don't even remember why me and Riley were fighting exactly. I do remember it was a little thing and then I went and grouped up #TeamMaya again, without an good enough reason. So why ever we were fighting, I'm sorry for starting it up so badly. I didn't mean what I said in the last post, I was just shocked that what she gave to me, came right back to her and I went overboard. I'm so so sorry about what I did and said and it may seem that I really don't care, when the truth is, every single fight I am the one who does care. If someone does not care, it would not be me. I've taken this too far, again, and I don't mean to be repetative, but I'm really sorry. I don't know what else to do, so I'm just pouring this out to you guys, likely some of my Google+ friends! So I don't know what else to say or do, except for I'm really sorry and I didn't mean what I did and said. I just wanted to win and I shouldn't have done that.

How could ya stay mad at this cutie??
So I would just like to say that I never meant what I said and all I could ask for is to end this fight. I know I'm not writing in the normal way I do with these, I am usually all over the pity and stuff, saying cheesy BFF things, I just don't know what got into me. Maybe I've changed so much over the past...2 days? Well whatever it is, it's weird that I can't be so straight forward and sweet like how I normally was on here. I can just say "I'm sorry" and I don't know why. Well thanks for reading anyway and I do mean what I said in this post! Check back on The 99 Problems of Maya Hart again soon!
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