Hey Blogger, so as you all know, the Season 1 finale of Girl Meets World aired last night and it was a big success! Many viewers and many great comments I recieved about it last night and this morning. Thanks to everyone for watching and being there to support me and the show. So as you all may know, Season 1 is over. It's done, but we aren't quite in Season 2 yet, because we have an in-between-season special episode called Girl Meets Demolition, which I'm pretty sure is a one hour episode. So Season 1 is officially over and this morning when that thought came to mind, it shocked me and made me a bit sad to know that we are no longer in Season 1. This has been quite a journey and I'm always talking about "Episode 1, Episode 3, Episode 9" I mean those exact ones are just examples, but I refer to them as "Episode_" which now I have to refer to them as "Season 1 Episode_" and put "Season" in there to indicate which season I am reffering to. Season 1 was a big success and I love everyone who supported us there and all the fans that made our new episodes worth waiting for! Thank you to everyone for watching, especially those who've been watching since the 1st episode, we couldn't have done it without you guys! We wouldn't even be having Season 2 if it weren't for you guys, honestly, so thank you all so so much! I appreciate it and so does everyone at Girl Meets World. Thanks for viewing Season 1 of Girl Meets World and we look forward to hearing from you all in Season 2! Good luck everyone and enjoy our in-between-season special, Girl Meets Demolition, airing April 17th 2015 @ 8:30pm! Thank you all so much! Good luck, love ya all!

Girl Meets First Date was the season finale last night, big success and it's all because of you guys! Thanks so much everyone and we appreciate it so very very much! Love ya all, I do!
These are just screen shots/sneek peeks of Girl Meets Demolition, the in-between-season episode which is the next episode airing on Disney Channel! I hope you all enjoy this episode and Season 2 is coming soon to Disney Channel!! Love you all and take good care!
-Maya Hart
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