Monday, July 28, 2014

Rockin' Wild Rapids

So, today me and Riley went to Wild Rapids, a extreme themed waterpark where you ride down a half pipe and it's required that you go down on the slide head first. Other slides you go down on a tube. So we went down them all, some lines were long, but we got there just as it was opening so the beginning was pretty empty. It was crowded near the middle and less crowded near the end. So, we went down the half pipe and one time, a 9 year old boy behind us in line said to me "You sure you want to go down this one?" I was thinking "Me!? What about you Mister??" I said "I go down spinning with my eyes closed" I said. "I'm not afraid of anything" I said. "I'm afraid of her" Riley said. "She's my best friend" she added. Then when it was my turn, I looked back at the 9 year old child and said "Spin please!" and I glared back at him. Then I got on and Amanda sent me off. Amanda is the slide manager who worked there. She knew Me and Riley after we introduced ourselves and we kinda knew her too. Then I closed my eyes and went down. When I got out, I realized I just owned that little punk. When Me and Riley watched him go down, he wasn't nearly as brave as I was. "Sucker" I thought and I walked off. Then there was this little girl in line in behind me when Riley and Me were on the head first slide and she started telling me about how she goes down the slide and what always happens to her. Like I cared. Then whenever she met up with me, she re-explained it. "I get it" I thought, but I kept my mouth shut. She was 9-10 years old. I couldn't just be rude to her if she wasn't asking for it. Then on the Hell's Gate tube slide, a bumped into a kid who was a bit older than me and I said "Go kid" and he glared at me slowing down to prove to me he isn't moving. "You don't want to mess with me" I said. "I'm like 5 years older than you" he said. "Really? How old are you?" I asked unbelieving. "14" he said. "I'm 13" I replied. "Sh-yea right" he said. "I am" I added. Then I realized, if he is 14 and he thought I was 5 years younger than him, I would be...9 years old. Really? 9?? God, people don't get it. Then when I walked by them later, they couldn't of been more snotty about it. "13 year old" they smirked as they walked by me. "9 year olds" I thought. We had lunch, I had a hot dog and Riley had fries. Well, that was most of the highlights of The Wild Rapids Trip. Next, you will hear about the most annoying and IMPOSSIBLE highlight of the trip. It was so big, I have to put it into it's own post. Stay tuned for that next.

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