Friday, January 8, 2016

When It's Worse For The Better (Bullying & Abuse)

Welcome back to my pathetic life I call The 99 Problems of Maya Hart. As you can all see, I've reactivated my blog and Google+ profile ( and I just wanted to announce to all my old viewers that I'm back. Thanks for being there for me, all of you. And now back to the show.

So the past 24 hours for me were terrible to a point that you would'nt believe. My mom has been a bit off lately, not sure why, I'm guessing she's still feeling a bit...a bit something, out of whack since my seeing my dad for the first time in 9 years. The way he left us was like extremely unexpected. He said he'd be back in an hour and just never came back. How pathetic is that. So anyway, I've been spending more time at Riley's lately because my mom just needs her space. So last night, Riley and I were with Shawn watching Girl Meets Yearbook. My mind likes to do the talking for me, so whenever I compare my life now with how it was in Girl Meets World, I realize it's not like that at all and suddenly become angry with everyone around me, though they haven't done anything in specific that they know about. One minute I'm fine with them, the next I'm angry at them because of what they are compared to what they're supposed to be, just because my mind tells me I should be mad at them, that I shoudn't just accept that terrible version of my life and live with it. So I decide not to and begin to unexpectedly hate on them, nobody can really predict when it happens. It just gets to me, that they don't treat me or each other the way they should, the way they did. It's wrong and at random points I decide not to take it. So with that said, after watching Girl Meets The New Teacher before we watched the yearbook one, I saw how it was then, realized it wasn't the way it should be and became angry at everybody but Shawn. Because not everybody is being abnormal towards me. Shawn isn't, my mom isn't (when I do see her), Farkle isn't, Zay isn't. So it just seems like everything is collpasing because it's the most important people who are doing that to me. Most of them aren't, when I think about it. Actually it's mostly Riley and sometimes Lucas who does it to me 99.9% of the time. But Riley is my best friend and I've loved Lucas for two years and we're good friends too. So it just hits me harder when it's them doing it compared to if it were Zay or Farkle. Even though Farkle is apart of the infinte friend group I loved so much, I didn't have that spot for him like I did for Lucas because I secretly liked him, and Riley because we're supposedly supposed to be best friends. So when watching Girl Meets Yearbook, Riley and I began fighting and sushing turned into yelling which turned into hitting, kicking and screaming. She kicked me about 25 times, and when I did it back, she screamed her freaking head off. Mrs Matthews came and broke it up, screamed and attacked me, not Riley. It was freaking even! She did it first, I just defended myself and I get into trouble?! They've got a terrible system going here. So then I decided to pack all my stuff and run away to the police station. As I packed, Shawn told me I was making the biggest mistake of my life. He ran away as a teenager/kid too, so he'd know. I ignored his advice and left into the pitch black at 9:00 at night. Shawn followed me, fearing my safety and told me if I was going to the police station, he was not coming with me. When we got there, it was closed. CLOSED! At 5:00 on weekdays. Who closes a police station at 5? Everyone knows most crimes are committed at night! My word! So anyway, Mrs Matthews came to get me and I refused to go with her, joining Shawn again and heading to Shoppers Drug Mart to call the police there. When I got there, the people at Shoppers called 911 and the police came about a half hour later. In that half hour, I talked to the girl who was 22, she worked there and told me about her working hours and how everything works and stuff. The police guy came and took me to his car. I got to sit in the back of a police car (again) and he recorded me telling the story (for some strange reason). Then he took me back to The Matthews' because I told him I couldn't go home to my mom. He talked with Mrs Matthews and they brought me back inside for the night. After I unpacked, Farkle came over because Mr Matthews had called Minkus and told him, Farkle got worried and came to see if I was okay. I held Farkle's hand and cried as I told him the story. In the morning, everything was back to normal...well as normal as it started. They always say, it's gonna get worse before it gets better. Oh and it did.

Except it could get worse than running away and calling the police at 10 at night. At school, they didn't make it much easier for me. Science class went pretty good. I just touched up my drawings and did nothing while my friend studied. In gym class, her and I were playing badminton. I had a fight with my other "friend" (can't name names anymore) on Facebook over Christmas break, first day off of school and we didn't speak for thr rest of the break. She started it and threatened me by calling me mentally unhealthy and both of us may have said some things I cannot repeat. So in gym class today, her ball rolled over by me so I kicked it in the other direction, thinking it was the one the girls on the court were using. It wasn't. She gave me the "what the heck?!" look when I realized it was her ball. So I unintentionally offended her and I found that hilarious because I hate her anyway. So for the rest of the class, she was giving me the death stare like every minute or two and wouldn't stop looking at me. #GetALife, for one. And then she sent her friend over to talk to me about why I was so mad. Her friend told me what she said about the situation and I agreed, that is what happened, but I told her I wanted nothing to do with her ever again. I don't want to apologize, I don't want her to apologize, I don't want to even look at her again. I'm fed up with her crap and I'm done tolerating her and how she thinks she's so much better than me and sooo powerful and crap. So then for the rest of gym class, she was trying to come up to me and yell at me, I knew it. She made every chance she had to approach me and gave me like a horrifying fear for my social life and well-being, so I made it my ultimate mission to avoid her at all costs. Everytime she walked in my direction, I turned the other way or stood near the teacher. Everyone went to change, including her, and so I waited for her to get out of the changeroom before I went in because I knew she'd find that as her oppertunity to slash me while no teacher was around. When she got out, I went in and then she came back in and hungout in the changeroom, already changed. Like seriously? She stands next to me while we're fighting to show off the crap she don't have or something. Like, get away from me, I don't wanna be near you, go show off to the other sluts looking for attention like yourself, hun. I was terrified to walk down the halls from that point on, I couldn't get out of the same room as her fast enough. At lunch, I told the art teacher what had happened and she said she'd talk to the counsellor. I called Mrs Matthews and said I couldn't be in the same class with her anymore, so she oddly didn't even try to convince me to stay and came and brought me home. I couldn't take it anymore, I was finished. I had last period with her again and I couldn't do it. So that class is going on right now actually, and because she's apparently so powerful, I can't even go to class anymore. Nice. This will be dealt with on Monday. She will leave me alone or I'm going to move schools for god's sake. Which probably won't happen and they'll have her get her ugly face out of my face. My mom literally told me she's seen her before and thinks she's goddamn ugly as hell. I agree, she looks like an elf. Too bad she isn't because then I wouldn't have to see her til Christmas :D

Well anyway, my life has been a trainwreck in the past 24 hours so I hope now is when it gets better. We'll see. Thanks for reading The 99 Problems of Maya Hart and be sure to check back soon. In the meantime, watch Girl Meets World on Disney Channel!


  1. Ello this is the doctor speaking to you mate thanks for letting my take over Blogger mate
