Monday, April 6, 2015

Another Thing I Can't Do

Hey guys, what's up? Okay so I'm pretty bored right now, me and Riley both started screaming like crazed maniacs at her mom, Mrs Matthews and so she took both of our phones away and said we can't have them back until we apologize, or we won't get them back 'til school goes back in like 8 days. So that's a bust. So anyway, let's catch up. So a couple nights ago there was a huge "arguement" between me and some of my friends. The kids from American Idol are our friends and they were over with us and we all were having our usual sleepovers. So then a full-on verbal war broke out and it was like an American Idol vs. Girl Meets World battle. Me, Riley and Auggie fell against Jax, Rayvon and Katherine and the verbal offenses were thrown on top. Then we were going to get Qaasim from their show to come and be on our team, but Jax freaked and yelled at Qaasim before he even joined a team. A freaked Qaasim bolted to get Riley Bria, Jax's boyfriend to help him and when he did, Riley Bria was on the verge of joining our team, as Qaasim backed down and didn't wanna participate in it at all. Then Lucas came in and yelled so hard at our side, immediately taking the side of American Idol and he's on Girl Meets World. So he was fed up with me and Riley going against Jax and started to beat me up. He basically ripped my hair out, bruised the back of my head and also the front. Not to mention he ripped my arm apart. Not 100% literally, I still have 2 arms FYI. So how it worked was, I was on the back side of the bed, Riley was in the middle and Auggie was beside Riley. So Lucas was standing off the bed, on Auggie's side of it, not mine. So in attempt to hit me, he also hit Auggie and he started crying his eyes out and Qaasim took him to Mr and Mrs Matthews. Riley felt the physical burn too, but she's 13 and was able to handle it easily. It didn't hit her hard either. I got it the worst because, well I was the intentional target, Auggie got it the second worse because he was the closest to Lucas and Riley got it the least, so she was 100% okay. Then as I kept throwing comebacks at Jax, Lucas hit me everytime me or Riley said anything. He never hit Riley, even when she was the one to say something wrong. So after a long 10 minutes of me and Jax arguing, Lucas beating me everytime me or Riley said a thing, I adventually became to injured to take no more. Lucas got me one last time, he slammed my head into the wall and gripped my arm so tightly and dragged his nails down it, leaving blood clots. I couldn't take it anymore, pretending I was fine. I bursted out crying and couldn't stop. It was unusually silent as I sat there, the only one making a sound. Then adventually conversation slowly started up and it was definitely not good. Then it suddenly all stopped, Jax went to bed, Riley and I laid down and everyone else backed down and all went back to where they were before it all began. Then Jax started conversation when only me, Riley, Jax and Katherine were left in the room. We all apologized for our fired back comebacks and rude intellectual comments that were unessecary to be said at all. Then Auggie came back in to make sure everything was okay. He was sad that his Easter egg hunt was ruined. It was Saturday night, the night before Easter. Jax told Auggie that his hunt would not be ruined and we'd all have fun doing it together. Confident and happy, Auggie joined Riley and I in bed and we all fell out like lights. The worst part of it all was, I had no will and no strength to defend myself or help myself at all. I curled up at everytime Lucas was beating me, and I cried and screamed. I have no self-defense at all. Self defense, another thing I cannot do. I thought I was fearless, but now I fear pyramids made of humans, ballerina's and physical abuse. Anyway, the next morning we all enjoyed our Easter egg hunt and all went on as usual. We haven't heard from or talked to Lucas since that night. I'd like to keep it that way, everyone I know is furious. But not everyone is furious with him, some, like Sarah, are furious with me for letting that happen to me. I bound to keep this a secret from anyone that has authority over either of us, me or Lucas. Nobody with authority can find out, I don't want anyone to know. Well anyway, things happen and life goes on. I've been through emotional pain since I was 3 years old and physical pain since I was 5 years old. Emotionally, when I was 3 years old, I was tortured with neglect by my mom and the loss of a father figure in my life. At 5 years old, I found myself locked out of my house and having no where to go and I got severe frost bite during the winter when my mom was never home from work until 8pm at night and I got out of school at noon, being in kindergarten and waited for hours outside in the cold. My cuts from basic falling and slipping and using scissors swelled up as a child because they were never treated. So I've been through many forms of pain as a child and I can handle it very well now and I'm totally okay. 100% need no help whatsoever. Thanks for reading The 99 Problems of Maya Hart and be sure to stay caught up, and watch Girl Meets World on Disney Channel! Don't miss the new episode, Girl Meets Demolition, Friday April 17th at 8:30pm!

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