Sunday, September 14, 2014

I'm Sooo Grounded!

So, today I didn't know how to make a pot of soup. How should a 12-year-old girl be able to tell when to put soup in a pot? I don't know if to put it in after it starts boiling or before! So, I freaked out on Mrs. Matthews and she kidnapped my computer. It doesn't belong to her and now she is driving me nuts. She grounded me. I am grounded. This isn't my computer, I'm just using it sneekily because she isn't in the room. So, I may not be able to be posting for a while, so if I only have short to no posts at all, don't blame me, blame Mrs. Matthews. She kidnapped it and chained it to the floor in her closet. Worst of all, she probably isn't feeding it charging gas. It needs it's charger, like we need food. So, she is holding it hostage and I need to rescue it. I may call the police and say that my aunt has kidnapped my computer A.K.A, she grounded me (which to me should be against the law). So, I am grounded, it's almost as bad as jail. I'll find out one day, which one is worse, jail or being grounded (I'm begging grounded). So, see ya whenever my aunt isn't looking!

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