Saturday, November 1, 2014

The Cry of Truth

I have never wanted to cry more in my life ever than I do right now. You will not believe what just happened to me and I hardly do. So, something must've happened without my awareness because my arm was bleeding with a really long scar on it. I didn't even know it was there for a while. So, I was acting all normal like nothing was going on because from what I knew, nothing was going on. Then I was checking my notifications and then Lucas came up to me with Kiwi. "Oh, hi" I said petting Kiwi. "So your being Bailey now?" he asked. I had no idea what he was talking about, not one. "What?" I asked confused. He showed me the scar on my arm. "What? No!" I said. "Yeah, you are" he said. "I would never do that!" I cried. "It wasn't me" I said. "Then what happened?" he asked. "I don't wanna talk about it" I said because I had no idea and I knew if I said I had no idea, he would not buy that. So, then everytime he walked by me, he called me Bailey. Bailey is a girl who has extreme self-harm problems and it was extremely annoying to everyone around her and I can see why. I personally, think self-harm is disgusting. I said at Camp Belwood, that it is sickening. I think it's totally gross beyond measure. I would NEVER do that, ever. So, then I went to finish cleaning so I would be allowed to come to FAC tonight. Lucas came in and said "Hey Bailey" and once again, I said "It's Maya" I was thinking "I actually like being Maya now because I am being called Bailey" and I literally thought that. "I'm gonna keep calling you Bailey until you tell me what happened because that's the only story I know" he said. He told me that Riley hated me and was against me and I could hardly believe my best friend would do such a thing. I was nearly in tears hearing everything he said. I finally said outta my own courage, I couldn't even believe I actually said this. "I thought you cared about me" I said tears rolling down my cheeks. "Really?" he said as if it were the stupidest thing on Earth. I nodded my head because I didn't wanna say anything because if I said something, I'd start crying. "I only did last night" he said. I was really crying now, I was devistated and heartbroken. I never ever thought he could ever do such a thing to me. He admitted he didn't care about me...The truth is, what really happened, I didn't get involved in the Brooklyn stuff, nobody else hurt me and certainly I did not do that. It turned out that I ran into the edge of the counter and I was too excited about candy and focused on eating nibs and twizzlers, that I didn't even know it happened. I saw the blood mark on the counter, but I cleaned it up. I find self-harm to be one the the things that this world should be ashamed of. It is sickening, I mean why would someone do that!? It's disgusting! Sickening beyond anything else! Why would someone purposely cause themselves a physical injury!? That is just stupid to me! I can't believe Lucas would think that I would ever do that and he said I did it for attention. From who!? I don't want attention at all. And even if I did, I certainly would not do it that way! Gross! So, that was my cry of truth, keep up with The 99 Problems of Maya Hart and check back again soon.


  1. Hi, this is Scripter21 from Quotev

  2. Remember me? I am the girl who will succeed to be a young teen author.. And actress! I really want to be on Girl Meets World.. Anyway, this is the story I've told u about on Quotev.. You can check it out if you want, it's not complete though. That's just the first draft.

  3. I hope you review it on here. Can it be written from a post called The Adventures of Alice and Nigel Newman Review By Maya Hart? Can you tell what the story is about, rate it 1 to 5 stars, say why, and rate it from 1 to 10, and make a really detailed review?? I just want a good review, it will help me. I would be grateful!!
