Sunday, July 27, 2014

99 Problems (The Official Issues)

I called this blog The 99 Problems of Maya Hart. I have like 99 problems, it seems. So I will list them off and we will see how many I can get.

1. I have to go to school
2. I am failing every class in school
3. Girl Meets Crazy Hat is the worst episode that kills me
4. Everyone ships me with Lucas
5. I was the only kid in 7th Grade with a flip phone
6. My history teacher is my best friend Riley Matthews' dad
7. I am not currently staying with my parents
8. My father moved out of our house soon after I was born
9. My mom pays no attention to me
10. My father has another family
11. I have nobody at home helping me with my homework
12. My friend Riley is trying to save me from life
13. The phone I now have was boughten by Riley's father, not mine
14. Another terrible episode is Girl Meets World of Terror (I used to love it)
15. I only have one decent and normal friend
16. I practically live for myself
17. I feed myself, get myself up every morning, shop for myself
18. I take care of myself at home
19. My mother can't afford to raise me
20. My mother works as a struggling waitress
21. My mother would rather persue her dream of becoming an actress rather than raising me
22. It kills me that I can't get to Lucas
23. I used to have a blue and grey flip phone, being the only one in the class
24. I struggle with school and living at home
25. Farkle Minkus, the most obnoctious kid in school has a crush on me
26. I'm worried about falling for Farkle
27. I am gifted at art rather than martial arts
28. The closest thing to a 'romance' I have is with...Farkle
29. My mom usually forgets my Birthday

So, I basically have 29 problems. 99 just sounds better, but I could come up with that if I really had to. So that was the 99/29 Problems of Maya Hart.

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